USA 718-252-6017 Israel 02-641-0266


BIB101;102 The Book of Numbers (2-0-2)

An exploration of the Book of Numbers through the eyes of the Talmud, the aggadah, and classical biblical commentaries including Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Ramban; includes the exposition of modern commentaries such as Ohr Hachaim, Rabbi S.R. Hirsch, the Meshech Chochma, and the Sfas Emes; major emphasis placed on careful analysis and comparison of the commentaries.

Course requirements: Test, term paper, final exam per semester.

BIB103;104 Haftarot (2-0-2)

An in depth study of the Haftarot with an emphasis on literary analysis. Focus on the unique metaphors employed by the prophets and the distinguishing features of their respective personalities. Extensive analysis of classical commentaries and selections from rabbinic literature.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB105;106 The Five Megillot (2-0-2)

Texts of the Megillot studied with aggadic sources and classical commentaries; literary analysis; specific themes relevant to each megillah. Emphasis on the Books of Ruth, Esther, and Ecclesiastes.

Course requirements: Two exams per semester.

BIB107;108 The Prophets: Cooperative Learning Exchange (0-5-4)

Students are divided into small groups and independently study specific portions of the first books of the Prophets with selected commentaries. Students then regroup and teach each other new material in a supervised setting. An optional weekly review session is available to provide guidance through the more difficult commentaries.

Course requirements: Regularly scheduled exams.

BIB109;110 Nachmanides Commentary on the Five Books of Moses (0-1-1)

Selective citations from Nachmanides commentary on the Pentateuch highlighting his basic principles of philosophy and exegesis. The method and terminology of Moses Nachmanides (Ramban); similarities to, and differences from, other exegetes. 1 hour/week lecture. 1 hour/week individual study. tutorial aid available.

Course requirements: Two comprehensive exams per semester.

BIB111;112 Gur Aryeh (1-0-1)

Research into Rashi’s approach to biblical exegesis; the Maharal’s analysis of Rashi’s sources.

Course requirements: Two exams per semester.

BIB113;114 Shem Mishmuel (1-0-1)

Selected topics from the weekly portion of the Pentateuch highlighting the world view of the Sokatchover Rebbe.

Course requirements: Pass/Fail. Attendance required.

BIB115;116 Meshech Chochma, The Biblical Commentary of Rabbi Meir Simcha HaCohen (1-0-1)

An in depth study of selected citations in the biblical commentary of Rabbi Meir Simcha HaCohen M’Dvinsk. Focus on his commentary as a classic exposition of Jewish philosophy; examination of a timely biblical commentary reflecting issues relevant to the modern age.

Course Requirements: Pass/Fail. Attendance required.

BIB117;118 Jeremiah (2-0-2)

This course focuses on the times and teachings of Jeremiah the prophet, recorded by the prophet over two thousand years ago, yet stunningly relevant to us today. Intensive textual analysis guided by the commentaries composed throughout the past twenty centuries will enable the student to unlock the true messages of the “Prophet of Destruction”.

Course requirements: One term paper and one exam per semester.

BIB 119;120 Insights in the Weekly Torah Portion (1-0-1)

A collection of insights into the weekly Torah portion enabling the student to enhance her appreciation of the sedrah.

Course requirements: Pass/Fail. Attendance required.

BIB 121;122 Isaiah (1-0-1)

The tension and harmonization on the part of the prophet between love, comfort, and rebuke over the split between outer behavior and inner conscience. Holiness when the Temple stands and holiness when the Temple is in ruins.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB123;124 Bereishit (2-0-2)

Selected topics from the latter half of the book of Genesis, highlighting the relationship between Joseph and his brothers. Emphasis placed on literary and linguistic analysis. Includes selections from rabbinic literature and classical commentaries which shed light on the literary and linguistic difficulties.

Course requirements: Final exam per semester.

BIB125;126 The Book of Psalms (2-0-2)

An analysis of the Book of Psalms as the ultimate expression of man’s relationship with G-d. The course emphasizes both basic interpretation and deeper messaged from select chapters of the Psalms.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB127;128 Trei Asar (Twelve Minor Prophets) (1-0-1)

Selections from the minor prophets including: Jonah, Hosea, and Malachi. Comparison of the different approaches taken by the rabbis, the classic medieval commentaries, and the Malbim.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB 129;130 The Book Of Leviticus (2-0-2)

Sefer Vayikra has much to teach, yet many find it a “closed book.” This course “opens” the sefer by facing the issues of the sacrifices (elements, relevance, and symbolism), and by discovering the many lessons of life contained in the sefer.
Course topics include:
Symbolism in Jewish Law
Temple worship on the day of Atonement
Potential and Purity
Respect for others
Rebuke-why, when, and how
Old age

Course requirements: One exam per semester.

BIB 131;132 Selected Topics in the Bible (1-0-1)

In depth analysis of various outstanding biblical topics utilizing the Oral Tradition, medieval, and modern commentaries.

Course requirements: final exam per semester

BIB133;134 The Book of Kings (2-0-2)

Course examines the roles of priest, king, prophet, and nation vis a vis their relationship with G-d and each other. Analysis of the differing approaches of the rabbis and the various commentaries.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB135;136 The Book of Job (1-1-2)

The Jewish view on pain and suffering with a focus of “why the righteous suffer” as illustrated in the Book of Job. Course designed as directed independent study to be followed by group lecture and discussion.

Course requirements: Final exam per semester

BIB137;138 Topics in the Weekly Torah Portion (2-0-2)

Selected issues from the weekly Torah portion will be analyzed based on various classic medieval commentaries. Emphasis on topics which relate to a Jew’s weltanschauung and interrelationships with the world.

Course requirements: Two exams per semester

BIB139;140 Prophets of the Second Commonwealth (1-0-1)

Course designed to delve into the historical era reflected in the prophets Chagai, Zecharia, and Malachi as Jews return to Israel from the Babylonian exile and rebuild the second Temple. Course based on the Books of Ezra and Nehemia.

Course requirements: Pass/fail course. Attendance required.

BIB141;142 Topics in Genesis (2-0-2)

Analysis of different themes in Book of Genesis. Special emphasis on the conflict of Cain and Able and the birth of Ishmael.

Course requirements: Term paper or final exam per semester

BIB201;202 Rabbeinu Bachya (1-0-1)

Selective citations from Bachya Ben Asher’s commentary on the Pentateuch which express the tension and harmony between Divine plan and concrete Jewish history. Personal character development, positive or negative as expressed through the central figures of biblical narrative.

Course requirements: Final exam per semester

BIB205;206 The Five Megillot (2-0-2)

Texts of the Book of Lamentations and Song of Songs studied with aggadic sources and classical commentaries; literary analysis; specific themes relevant to each megillah.

Course requirements: Final exam per semester.

BIB207;208 The Prophets: Cooperative Learning Exchange (0-5-4)

Students are divided into small groups and independently study specific portions of the first books of the Prophets with selected commentaries, as a continuation of BIB107;108. Students then regroup and teach each other new material in a supervised setting. An optional weekly review session is available to provide guidance through the more difficult commentaries.

Course requirements: Regularly scheduled exams.

BIB211;212 Gur Aryeh II (1-0-1)

Continuation of BIB111;112. Research into Rashi’s approach to biblical exegesis; the Maharal’s analysis of Rashi’s sources.

Course requirements: Two exams per semester.

BIB213;214 Shem Mishmuel II (1-0-1)

Continuation of BIB113;114. Selected topics from the weekly portion of the Pentateuch highlighting the world view of the Sokatchover Rebbe.

Course requirements: Pass/fail course. Attendance required.

BIB219;220 Insights in the Weekly Torah Portion (1-0-1)

Continuation of BIB119;120. A collection of insights into the weekly Torah portion enabling the student to enhance her appreciation of the sedrah.

Course requirements: Pass/Fail course. Attendance required.

BIB223;224 Bereishit II (2-0-2)

Continuation of BIB123;124. Textual analysis of the era of the latter patriarchs. In depth study of the verses as well as selections from rabbinic literature and classical commentaries which shed light on literary and linguistic difficulties.

Course requirements: Final exam per semester.

BIB 225;226 Selected Topics: Commentaries of the Malbim and Netziv (1-0-1)

Issues in the Bible highlighting the world-view of the Malbim and Netziv. Including: Creation, the Patriarch, the Exile, the Redemption, the giving of the Law, the Tabernacle, the Generation of the Desert.

Course requirements: One term paper per semester.

BIB227;228 The Book of Deuteronomy (1-0-1)

A study of the special characteristics of the Book of Deuteronomy. An introduction to civil law according to the Torah. Topics to be included: The appointment of judges and judicial system; False Witnesses; Jewish law in private and communal life; The position of the Kohen (Priest), the King, the Prophet and the Judge; The Cities of Reception; Laws applicable to the waging of war; Eglah Arufah.

Course requirements: One exam per semester.

BIB229;230 Bible Survey (3-1-4)

The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the scope and sequence of the book of Numbers. Analysis of primary commentaries. Issues including – the unfaithful wife, the Nazirite, the spies, the red heifer.

Course requires independent preparation and presentation of information in a group forum.

BIB231;232 Selected Topics in the Bible (1-0-1)

Continuation of BIB131;132. In depth analysis of various outstanding biblical topics utilizing the Oral Tradition, medieval, and modern commentaries.

Course Requirements: Final exam per semester.

BIB233;234 Advanced Topics in the Weekly Torah Portion (2-0-2)

Continuation of BIB137;138.

BIB235;236 Advanced Prophets of the Second Commonwealth (1-0-1)

Continuation of BIB139;140.

BIB237;238 The Book of Samuel (2-0-2)

Selected topics from the Book of Samuel highlighting the changes in the leadership of the Jewish nation.

Course Requirements: Final exam per semester.

BIB239;240 The Book of Ezekiel (2-0-2)

The course will examine the book of Ezekiel as a historical as well as philosophical text. Emphasis will be placed on the in depth study of commentaries, as well as contemporary sources to glean understanding and meaning for our lives. Students will be expected to prepare a chapter on their own, and present to the class.

Course Requirements: One exam per semester

BIB241; 242 Advanced Book of Psalms (2-0-2)

Continuation of BIB 125;126. An analysis of the Book of Psalms as the ultimate expression of man’s relationship with G-d. The course emphasizes both basic interpretation and deeper messages of select chapters of the Psalms.

Course requirements: Term paper per semester.

BIB243;244 The Book of Daniel (2-0-2)

Advanced course expands upon the Academic text with focus on the messages of the exile as they are relevant for us today.

Stress on textual preparation.

Course requirements: