JL101;102 Laws of Blessings (2-0-2)
The derivation of the laws relating to blessings from the Talmud through the early codifiers; the opinions stated in modern legal and responsa literature including the Mishnah Brurah, Igrot Moshe, Veten Bracha, Sefer Pitchei Halacha.
Course requirements: Two exams per semester.
JL103;104 Jewish Dietary Laws (2-0-2)
A comprehensive study of the dietary laws, their history and development; legal principles and their application to daily situations.
Course requirements: Regularly scheduled exams, final examination.
JL105;106 Laws of the Sabbath (2-0-2)
The derivation of practical law from classical sources with emphasis on application to common problems and situations.
Course requirements: Regularly scheduled exams, final examination.
JL107;108 The Concept of Modesty in Jewish Law (1-0-1)
A textually oriented course which incorporates both philosophy and law to arrive at a proper understanding of the concept of modesty as it relates to a Jewish woman.
Course requirements: One research assignment, one exam per semester.
JL111;112 Modern Legal Problems (1-0-1)
Analysis of legal problems which are currently of special interest; the application of classical principles to modern medical and technological phenomena as seen in recent responsa literature.
Course requirements: Pass/Fail course. Attendance required.
JL113;114 Money (1-0-1)
Course designed to increase student’s awareness of the need to protect financial assets of others. Laws and principles relevant to advertising , copyrights, damages, loans and deposits, lost objects, rentals, and stolen objects.
Course requirements: Regularly scheduled exams.
JL115;116 Laws of the Temple (1-1-2)
Legal analysis of specific practices related to Temple worship. Course designed to encourage students to prepare classic sources independently.
Course requirements: Pass/Fail course. Attendance required.
JL201;202 Laws of the Sabbath (2-0-2)
The development of electrical devices beginning in the 1800’s, advances in medicine, and the migration to large cities posed legal challenges to the Orthodox Jew. Turning on lights, use of microphones and elevators, use of an ambulance on the Sabbath, making an eruv in a large city… Course topics also include: preparing for the Sabbath, i.e. lighting candles, kiddush,…; business matters; touching forbidden items; work done by a non Jew.
Course requirements: Two exams per semester.
JL203;204 Laws of the Festivals (2-0-2)
An analysis of the laws of the Jewish Festivals with a special emphasis on those laws which relate to women. Course topics include: Pesach, Counting the Omer, Shavuos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Chanukah, Purim.
Course requirements: Two exams per semester.